
Minister General’s visit to Peru

09 April 2019
Missionary Province of St Francis Solanus, Lima Br Michael Anthony Perry visited the Province of St Francis Solanus in Peru from 26th to 29th March 2019, accompanied by Br Valmir Ramos, Area Definitor. The visit began in Lima, where the Minister General was received by the brothers of the Province and met with them in the Friary of the Discalced. The Minister General met the brothers of the Provincial Definitory. He reflected with the guardians on their role in accompanying the friars, especially the younger ones. He met with the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, who had previously been at the Friary of the Discalced for a luncheon with the Minister General and all the friars of the St Francis Solanus Missionary Province. Another meeting was held with the Archbishop of Lima, Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio, who had only been appointed a few months ago, but knew the Franciscans from his youth. Other meetings took place with the laity of the parishes and the educational and health services (there are five educational and five health care services with thousands of patients each day).   Province of the Twelve Apostles, Lima Br Michael Perry arrived at the St Francis of Assisi Friary on the night of the 30th. He met with the Poor Clare Sisters and Conceptionist Sisters of Lima. He had a meeting with the Franciscan Family and celebrated the Eucharist followed by a fraternal sharing at the end of the day. The Minister General met the brothers of the Provincial Definitory as he had already done in the Province of St Francis Solanus, and later met with the solemnly professed friars of the Province. Being in the St Francis Friary in Lima, on the 1stApril he met with all the temporary professed friars of the two Provinces of Peru and listened to their joys, difficulties and hopes. On 2ndApril, there was a meeting with the formators of the two Provinces and another with the Definitors of the two Provinces. They were significant meetings of fraternity and an excellent opportunity to share joys and hopes for Franciscan life in Peru. Br Michael insisted on interprovincial collaboration in the field of Initial and Ongoing Formation, including a common program for the candidates of the two provinces.   To the missionary Brothers in the Peruvian jungle On 4th April, Br Michael had a meeting in Iquitos, PE, with the Bishops of the Vicariates of Peru, Br Anton Žerdín Bukovec (San Ramón), Br Juan Oliver (Requena) and Bishop Javier Travieso (São José) and the missionary friars in the Peruvian Amazon. The meeting was attended by the Ministers Provincial of Peru, Br Alejandro Wiesse (St Francis Solanus Missionary Province) and Br Nicolás Ojeda Nieves (Province of the Twelve Apostles) along with the respective Secretaries of Mission and Evangelisation of the two Provinces. It was also an opportunity for a meeting with the missionary brothers of the Amazon Project fraternity living in Caballococha, PE, in the territory of the Vicariate of San José with their Bishop Javier Travieso. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="22242,22243,22244,22245,22246,22247,22248,22249,22250"]
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