
Minister General visits Syria

29 August to 1 September

03 September 2023

From 29 August to 1 September, the Minister General, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, visited the friars living in Syria, where the Order has fraternities in Damascus, Aleppo, the Orontes Valley and Lattakia. In these fraternities, the friars dedicate themselves to parish pastoral work, which is very articulate and rich, to youth and vocational pastoral work, to the promotion and literacy of children, young people and women through specific projects, to the support of people living in difficult conditions through canteens and other types of activities, to education and culture. All this in communion and collaboration with the local Church and the various Churches and Christian communities in the area. The Minister also met with the Apostolic Nuncio, Card. Mario Zenari, who has been sharing everything with this people for 15 years.

Br. Massimo found a country wounded by 12 years of war and, more recently, by the earthquake. The current social, political and economic situation is so unstable and impoverished that the post-war period seems more difficult than the time of the conflict. 
What he has been able to touch is the ever-present grief over what has happened, the many victims, the missing and the uncertainty about the future, which is turning into frustration. The first consequence is the desire of many to leave the country to ensure a more dignified life for their children. As Pope Paul VI said: 'With war all is lost'.

The Minister also met many people, especially young people, who want to stay in the country to contribute to its rebirth and who believe that Syria urgently needs appropriate political decisions at international level in order to regain the dignity of a country capable of self-determination. Without this, peace will remain distant and the development of the country and its people a chimera. 

Br. Massimo tells us about this visit:

"Ensuring the presence of Christians in Syria is a very important objective because they are an integral part of the country's millenary history and culture. The friars have always remained close to the people, even in the most difficult moments and at the cost of their personal safety. Especially in the villages of the Orontes, this closeness has been very strong and has allowed the Christians to remain.
Our brothers, together with other Christians and many international realities, do much to alleviate the suffering of this strong and hospitable people. Faith sustains the people, as I saw when I prayed with the different communities. A sign is also the presence of vocations which enrich our Fraternity, especially in such a difficult context.
This reality calls for greater awareness and support. The solidarity that has developed towards Syria, including in our Order, is extraordinary. The friars are very grateful and feel our closeness. Syria still needs brothers from other entities of the Order who feel the missionary call to share Franciscan life and mission here, in the spirit of Chapter 12 of the Rule.
I thank the Lord for this opportunity to visit the friars of Lebanon and Syria and to make them feel the closeness of all the friars of the Order. I thank the Custody of the Holy Land, which also continues its mission of presence and proclamation of the Gospel where the roots of our faith are".

Visits to the Entities OFM in the World Mission & Evangelisation Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli
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