
Missionaries around the world

17 January 2023

In these days, some brothers of the Order are joining different missionary situations around the world, either for a trial period or for a definitive commitment.

Br Mario Debattista, of the Province of the Holy Spirit (Australia), is heading to Africa, a continent where he has already lived and worked, specifically as guardian in the "St Francis of Assisi" Foundation in Sudan and as formator in the fraternity of Juba, in South Sudan.
This is a beautiful sign of availability offered by the Province of Australia, in spite of its reduced forces, with an important presence for that young Foundation, which is about to set out once again, and which will soon welcome four other Asian missionaries who are preparing to share its mission. 

In the Custody of the Protomartyrs of Morocco, two brothers are present today for a time of experience, so as to assess a possible vocation to live among the people of that nation according to the Rule and in the spirit of our charism. 

Two other brothers have arrived in Cuba for a time of trail period: this presence, now entrusted to a US Province in collaboration with the Franciscan Conference Our Lady of Guadalupe (Central America and Mexico), is also setting out again to be an evangelical leaven in that country.

Finally, in February, a new Franciscan presence will be inaugurated in Africa, in Botswana, thanks to the brothers of the Province of the Immaculate Conception in Poland.

Thanks to these brothers who accept facing the missionary vocation, and best wishes to all the friars of the Order in reviving this missionary spirit which is the oxygen of our vocation.


OFM in the World Mission & Evangelisation
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