
Amendments of the Special Statutes for the Canonical Visitation and Presidency of the Provincial Chapter

The General Definitory revised The special Statutes for the Canonical Visitation and Presidency of the Provincial Chapter and amended Article 43 §3 as follows:

§3   The following is to be observed concerning the publication of the candidates:

  1. The names of the candidates approved by the General Definitory, according to the number indicated by the Particular Statutes, are to be communicated to the President of the Chapter by the Secretariat General in alphabetic order.
  2. The President of the Chapter shall notify the Province in writing of the approved candidates in alphabetical order and without indicating the votes received.

With the consensus of the General Definitory, obtained in the session of the Tempo Forte of the 7th of November 2022, the Minister General promulgates and declares promulgated The special Statutes for the Canonical Visitation and Presidency of the Provincial Chapter and declares and commands that everything contained therein shall be observed and have the force of law as of 22 February 2023.

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Decrees: Prot. 111712 - Prot. 111893
Special Statutes for the Canonical Visitation and Presidency of the Provincial Chapter : ItalianoEnglishEspañolPolski