On the 12 February, Msgr. Paul Siméon Ahouanan Djro, OFM, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bouaké, Ivory Coast, has returned to the Father's House.
Born on the 19th December 1952 in Bingerville, Ivory Coast, he entered the Postulancy on the 15th September 1973 and the Novitiate on the 23rd September 1974. On the 28th December 1975 he made his Temporary Profession and on the 4th October 1980 he made his Solemn Profession. On the 18th July 1981 he was ordained a priest and on the 16th March 1996 he was consecrated a Bishop by Cardinal Bernard Yago. Msgr. Paul-Siméon Ahouanan Djro who was Bishop of Yamoussoukro until 2006, then Metropolitan Archbishop of Bouaké from the 22nd September 2006.
The Minister General of the Order, Br Massimo Fusarelli, sent a Letter to Br Michel Laloux, Minister of the Province Blessed Duns Scotus (France and Belgium) to whom Msgr. Ahouanan belonged, which reads: "I learned with great sorrow the news of the passage to eternal life of my dearest brother Msgr. Paul-Siméon Ahouanan Djro, OFM, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Bouaké, of which he was not only the pastor, but also the true point of reference for almost twenty years. [...] May his example of service and his zeal to promote dialogue and fraternity inspire us and encourage us to follow his example."
We entrust him to the Lord, praying for his soul that it may be received into the eternal peace of the good and faithful servants.
Read the Letter of the Minister General
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