
New version of the Franciscan Youth Experience "ESSO"

Young people experience the Holy Spirit in Santiago in Chile

08 June 2023

Young people experience the Holy Spirit from the 26th- 28th May, at the San Felipe de Jesús Franciscan Youth House (Santiago in Chile, Province of the Holy Trinity).

 A new version of the Franciscan youth experience ESSO (Spirit of the Lord and His Holy Work) has been developed. It is five years since it first came to light and hundreds of young people have been able to connect and experience the Holy Spirit in their lives. 

This year was no exception and, once again, the objective of this experience was achieved: to celebrate Pentecost, generating questions and instances of mission from the Franciscan experience of the Spirit of the Lord and His Holy Work. It should be noted that the sixth version of ESSO managed to summon 25 young people, including members of the service team, who during these days were invited to live their faith fraternally in community.

Camila Carrimán, a key person in the community who was part of the organizing team of ESSO 2023, highlights in the first place the relevance of being able to create and prepare these experiences in a community way. “The experience has a general objective, which guides us in the essential matters, but the content is discerned and prepared year by year by the Service Team. 

This year it was developed to orient the youth towards the theme of community. Last year, the experience had a more personal approach, and we saw how the Spirit dwells in each one and provokes us “to get out of ourselves”, she clarifies. Moreover, this year, she adds that “giving continuity to the path we were taking, we wanted to discuss the community proposal that God has for humanity. From that point, both the content and the methodology revolved around the community. We started with a verification of the current social reality, then we saw how our triune God invites us to be a community and then we shared how to live this from Franciscan spirituality point of view”, she said. “It was a day full of helpful details, prepared with great care. Seeing how young people participate and how they complete the experience makes it a privilege to be of service to them, together with my brothers and sisters from the team. We all leave enriched and grateful for so much”, concludes Camila Carrimán. 

Communion and faith by Martin Bocaz from the Franciscan Youth House, said the ESSO 2023 experience was very beautiful, especially from the point of view of being able to share with other young people on the Feast of Pentecost. “The Service Team and the friars welcomed us in a very warm way and the activities that we developed during the three days were very significant for me. I would certainly recommend it to all young people from the community who want to deepen their spiritual life and their connection with God. I leave with a joyful heart, with new friends and full of the Holy Spirit. 

An unforgettable experience" says Maria Teresa Toledo, she emphacises that the value of sharing. María Teresa Toledo is a young woman from the San Felipe de Jesús parish, who enjoyed a second ESSO experience. She expressed her joy for this new opportunity. “Compared to the first time it was more intense from the aspects of Franciscanism and devotion to the Holy Trinity. We were able to work in fraternities and get to know each other more. We were able to speak and express ourselves about what we felt and, above all, how we worked as a common group. I feel that the Youth House always gives us the opportunity to be free and be as we are, and we respect ourselves as we are and that is not found everywhere. Being able to listen and feel heard is a unique and beautiful fruit that we can cultivate. I am really grateful that these instances exist where one can breathe an air of fraternity, love and understanding, and where they also give us knowledge and tools to continue living our faith”.

 ESSO, is a renewing experience in the Spirit 

Finally, Lorena Uzcategui Altuve, from the Franciscan Youth House Choir, emphasized the renewing experience that ESSO gives to all the young people who participate in it. “It is an experience full of joy, tears, plenary sessions, moments of prayer and meetings. From the music ministry we live praise and adore, focusing on songs that are balm, comfort and hope. You do not love for the reward, but as thanks for feeling loved by God. Everyone, regardless of their origin, had a enormous level of empathy, honesty, and sharing, and this created beautiful friendship ties that will extend to Italy and Colombia. I am grateful for the hospitality of the brothers and the service team for all the love and wisdom they gave us”, concluded Lorena Uzcategui. 

Click here to access a video about the ESSO experience

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