
OFM Fundraising Partners Meeting 2024

In support of the Franciscan Missions, 12th – 14th June 2024

15 June 2024

The Franciscan Missions are committed to spreading the message of the Gospel wherever its missionaries are. To respond to the growing demand for solidarity, the missionary activity of the OFM promotes respect for human rights, education, justice and environmental protection for fraternal and peaceful coexistence. 

In fact, in Pope Francis' address on the occasion of the 2015 General Chapter we read: "In the history of the origins, Christians lived fraternal communion to such an extent - as the Acts of the Apostles testify (Acts 2:44; 4:32) - to be an eloquent and attractive sign of unity and charity. People were struck by the way Christians lived and co-existed, so united in love, available in mutual giving and forgiveness, so united in mercy and mutual help, in sharing the joys, sufferings and experiences of life."

To continue to help and support these Franciscan Missions, from the 12th  to 14th June at the General Curia, the OFM Fundraising Partners Meeting was held, the annual meeting between the three non-profit organizations dedicated to fundraising and supporting Franciscan projects: General Secretariat of Franciscan Missions (GSFM) in Waterford (USA), Franziskaner Helfen in Bonn (Germany) and the OFM Fraternitas Foundation in Rome (Italy).  with the participation of the Development Office and numerous representatives of the offices of the General Curia and the General Definitory.

Several topics were discussed in the sessions of the meeting. Br. Darko Tepert, Secretary General for Formation and Studies, illustrated the current state of initial and ongoing formation in the various Franciscan Entities and Study Centres, emphasizing the need to form the formators of the new friars, especially in the emerging realities of the Order. Subsequently, each partner made a brief presentation on the projects that are financed, according to the various types: education, basic needs, human rights, emergencies, pastoral care, training and the countries in which they operate.

Br. Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General of the OFM, in his speech focused on the link between mission and fundraising and on how one can be friars and minors in this field. On the occasion of his fraternal visits, he experienced first-hand the effectiveness of fundraising, especially in the parts of the world affected by war, hunger and social inequality, through small and large projects initiated and supported, which allowed the friars to meet, listen to and serve the cry and suffering of so many brothers and sisters. "I recognize you as collaborators in the humble desire to let a little hope and peace shine in the world," said Br. Massimo, "helping to sustain the foundations for a more just and fraternal society. Your work increases and strengthens the great project of universal brotherhood to which we all firmly adhere."

As friars and minors, and as St. Francis did with almsgiving, the Minister recalled, even today we can be Christian and Franciscan missionaries trying to give and find a balance between the inequalities of the world: in the fields of food, housing, education. In this regard, he underlined the importance of scholarships in favor of entities that have many vocations, but do not have the economic means to be able to support them. With the aim of a more fraternal and humane economy, placed at the service of social progress that can include all peoples, leaving no one behind.

To further support the Franciscan Missions in places which are most in need in the world, it has been proposed to organize a conference in 2025 to help the entities that support Franciscan projects, with the aim of creating a Network among OFM Partners, to encourage the training of fundraisers and share experiences.

Download the Message of the Minister General: Italiano - English - Español - Français - Hrvatski - Deutsch

Solidarity Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli Fondazione OFM Fraternitas
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