
Ongoing formation at the General Curia

02 February 2022
On 27 and 28 January, the General House Fraternity, composed of 35 friars from 22 countries, benefited from four sessions of Ongoing Formation. The Minister General, the Definitory and all the Community members closed their offices to reflect on the theme of the Curia Fraternity in its international dimension. During the two days of ongoing formation, the theme was: "Let us build fraternity - Relationship dynamics to form an international fraternity". Prof. Mario Becciu, Professor of Psychology at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome, president of the Italian Association of Preventive Psychology and founding member of the Italian Society of Psycho-social Medicine, was invited to help explore the topic. In the process of building an international fraternity, Prof. Becciu divided the theme into three parts: relational dynamics (with Conceptual Mapping of an International Fraternity), quality communication, and how to make and be a team. Finally, he concluded that to build an international fraternity, it is imperative to "take care of communication, as both givers and receivers, to create the best conditions for building positive and satisfying interpersonal relationships, relationships that have a significant impact on our levels of well-being and health". The days of ongoing formation ended with a festive dinner and artistic sharing of the international nature of the General Curia.
OFM in the World General Definitorium
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