
Online Program at the Antonianum

03 February 2016
Fall of 2015, marked the beginning of an online program of study and Christian formation at the Pontifical University Antonianum with the first online seminar hosted in the Antonianum’s virtual campus The seminar on the Christian Spiritual life taught in Italian by Friar Gilberto Cavazos-González, OFM had two regular students and a small group of Antonianum professors as participants as part of their training to teach online. Some of them will begin web-enhancing their face to face courses at the Antonianum and begin to teach online for e-PUA in the coming school year. As part of the Antonianum’s service to the Order, Br. Gilberto will be offering his seminar on the Christian Spiritual life in English and Spanish starting February 15, 2016. Our very own general Minister, Br. Michael Perry, OFM is joining the class in English and our general Vicar, Br. Julio César Bunader, OFM is joining the class in Spanish in their desire to continue their study and ongoing formation. When asked as to why he would be interested in signing up for an on-line course in spirituality, the general Minister responded: "I am the first in the Order to have need of ongoing formation. The internet, and on-line education and formation is the future avenue for the transmission of the Franciscan intellectual and spiritual tradition, and I want to be part of that future. My prayer is that many other members of the Franciscan movement, friars, Poor Clares, Franciscan sisters, Secular Franciscans and Young Franciscans also will get excited and find that this new method for formation offers tremendous possibilities.” The Spanish version of the seminar has over 30 registered participants and the English language seminar has 12 participants. The Antonianum’s virtual campus and asynchronous program of seminars and courses in a variety of languages is our way of helping the Franciscan Family and all Christians to continue their formation and education without having to leave their homes and pastoral ministry.
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