
Opening of CIME meeting

20 April 2016
Rome - The meeting of the International Council for Missions and Evangelization (CIME) began on April 18th, 2016, taking place at the OFM General Curia. Br. Luis Gallardo welcomed the participants, who were then introduced by Br. Russel Murray The meeting will continue until April 22nd, concluding with Mass and Morning Prayer on that day. The gathering aims to discuss the the various ministries and missions of the Order, to plan for the future, and to make a revision of CIME’s statutes. There will be an opportunity to reflect on the contributions made by the Secretaries who represent the Conferences of the Order, as well as studying the input given by the Secretary General for Formation and Studies, who will speak on the 2015 Chapter Document. [gallery link="file" ids="10644,10645,10646,10647,10648,10649,10650,10651,10652,10653,10654,10655,10656,10657,10658,10635,10636,10637"]
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