
PCO Chronicles: Friday 22 June

23 June 2018
After the serene and joyful celebration of Morning Prayer and the Eucharist we enjoyed the much-needed morning freshness. Congratulations and condolences were shared with the friars directly involved in last night’s soccer match and then we set to work. Yesterday the councillors and staff members received the first three of six pages which brought together the main areas of agreement from the “World Café” that had already examined seven topics. The work of the next two days will consist in dialogue in small groups about the good points, any shortcomings and necessary clarifications or corrections that need to be made to bring them viva voceto the Minister General and the Vicar General. The purpose of the seven work sessions, one for each subject dealt with previously, is to be able to prepare a document that is proactive, that gives direction and, hopefully, also inspires, to help the Government of the Order in their task of animating the lives of all the friars. The issues addressed are of such magnitude (migrants and refugees, the environmental crisis, being promoters of peace in a violent world, young people, the Franciscan identity and mission, ...) that they demand courageous and generous actions arising out of deep reflection and accurate discernment. Although during the afternoon the meetings of the Consilium Moderansand the work of many members of the staff continued, most of the friars were able to use the time to get to know the surroundings of the Dimesse House of Spirituality where we are staying. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="19546,19547,19548,19550,19551,19552,19555"]
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