
PCO Chronicles: Monday 18 June

20 June 2018
Today the 18/6/2018 we began the second week of our CPO. While the main focus of last week was on ‘memory’, this week’s attention is on ‘discernment’ in which we are called to dream the dream God dreams for us through our imagination. We started with a Lectio Divina based on a scripture reading from the book of the Revelations (Rev: 2, 1-7). Key thoughts in which we were encouraged to reflect on include the following: I know your works; your hardships and patience;you have patience: and you have suffered in my name and have not grown weary;you have abandoned the love you had at first;remember then from what you have fallen and finally, repent, and do the works you did at first. In the afternoon we were introduced to the methodology of ‘World Café”, in which we will be sharing in small groups of five to six brothers on six themes that emerged through the presentations of the various Conferences of the Order. They include: migration, the young, fraternity in mission, evangelization in the spirit of Laudatosi, rapidly changing world and if time allows on, Instruments of peace in the face of contemporary violence and Religious life and the Visionof Pope Francis. More stories at:
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