
PCO Chronicles: Monday 25 June & Tuesday 26 June

27 June 2018

Monday 25 June

We began our day with a short prayer session followed by a sense of gratitude to God for allowing experience Him in the last two days with the poor in Gipsy slum and in nature with the visit to Nairobi National Part. Br. John Puodziunas, the General Economo of the Order took the podium to present to the CPO assembly the economic situation of the Order. His presentation was structured in three parts namely: The Context of the financial situation 2014; the current situation and looking forward to debt management. He ended his talk by posing questions on what the assembly thinks on: How can a value based economic system be implemented in our provinces and custodies? What are the challenges? Which forms of revenue for the General Curia do you MOST support? Br. John’s talk was followed by open forum of questions and responses on the report. The afternoon session was characterized by focusing of the document CPO reflections in which the assembly dialogued with the minister general and his definitory on the way forward in which brothers expressed different opinions on how to proceed with CPO booklets and reflections. The minister general with this definitory will give the way forward in post CPO deliberations.  

Tuesday 26 June

Starting at the same time each day and putting at the center - the celebration of Mass and prayers of Lauds, one who can never cease to be, after breakfast a new session of work begun. Today the members of the Plenary Council of the Order have worked on the research and proposal of places, themes and methodologies in view of the celebration of the next General Chapter in 2021. After a time dedicated to reflection and dialogue from linguistic groups, the various proposals were shared in common. Regarding the themes, it was evident not so much the uniformity but even the convergence of the proposals of the different groups, which indicate a very precious harmony among the friars of the whole world regarding what is considered most important for the Order today. The proposal on the places was a little more diversified, extending the different options to three continents, but affirming that the themes dealt with in this Plenary Council - especially regarding migrants, young people and the care of creation - touched all profoundly. Having completed the most important work of the day, we moved on to take care of some changes and information related to the two-day program that remain before the Council's conclusion. In the afternoon, after lunch, many chose to go out to visit some significant place in the neighborhood, to meet again at six thirty in the evening, to participate in a Franciscan celebration, prepared by the brothers of the Cono Sur Conference, in which we have been called to remember our vocation. Dinner and a moment of recreation, accompanied the day until the time of going to bed.
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