
Peace Camp in Colombia

22 October 2016
Since last October 5, a group of young protesters occupies the Bolivar Plaza, in what is being called the "camp by the peace," that has set itself up in Center of Bogota. In said camp, University personnel prepare activities and events so more people will join the cause: the end of the conflict. They began with eight tents on Wednesday, October 5, after marching across 7th Street to the Bolivar plaza - in a massive concentration rarely registered in Bogota-. They did so silently asking for peace. Today, there are about 60 tents (which bear the name of the municipalities that have suffered war) and are home to about 150 people. As the days go by, they are no longer just students, they are also religious groups, indigenous communities, professionals and housewives. The slogans of the movement are clear: “We demand the ceasefire be maintained and we will not move until there is a peace agreement.” They also invite more people to join the initiative. The Franciscan Family of Colombia has been involved with the presence of brothers and sisters housed in a tent belonging to the Jesuits and in another belonging to the ecumenical network of churches. The Franciscan family was asked to form part of the Spirituality Committee and to participate in the Commission for the achievement of a fraternal coexistence of those who are installing themselves in the plaza. For the text of the "Manifesto of the members of the camp by the peace" and the full article (in Spanish), please click here. To view the PDF of the letter of the President of the Franciscan Family of Colombia to the President of the Republic of Colombia, please click: [attachments size=small fields="title" target=1 docid="11649"]
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