
Prayer and Fasting for Peace and Justice in the Holy Land

18 May 2018
My dear Brothers of the Order, The Lord give you peace! As you are well aware, in the past week there has been an explosion of violence in the Holy Land that has left many dead, thousands injured, and has robbed people of any sense of hope for a just end to this political and humanitarian crisis. I invite all Brothers of the Order and all our friends to undertake a journey of prayer and fasting for peace and justice in the Holy Land. Find below the official communication of the Custos of the Holy Land Custody, Friar Francesco Patton, urging all Brothers in the Custody to participate in special prayers in preparation for the great feast of Pentecost in the Church. I would urge you, the Friars in each of the Province, Custodies, and Foundations, and the local fraternities to organize moments of prayer and to remember in a special way all of the victims. I urge you also to work with the different Justice and Peace offices and to bring this issue to the attention of your political leaders and to all people of your respective regions and countries. May the Spirit of God help to bring about a new era of peace built on the foundation of authentic justice, truth, respect, and love.   Fraternally yours, Bro. Michael A. Perry, OFM Minister General and Servant

Letter of the Custos of the Holy Land (English)

Lettera del Custode di Terra Santa (italiano)

Mensaje del Ministro General & Comunicado do Custódio da Terra Santa (portugués)

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