
Protect Migrants and Refugees during the COVID-19 Pandemic

22 April 2020
Slowing the spread of COVID-19 requires that everyone be included in prevention and protection strategies, especially the most vulnerable, including migrants and refugees. This pandemic is a public health crisis that brings home how interconnected we are. It is our collective responsibility to act rapidly and in solidarity. As grassroots and faith-based organizations and religious leaders from across Central America, Mexico and the United States working to address the root causes of poverty, violence and corruption that force people to leave their homes, we offer this framework for action to protect migrants and refugees and help all of our communities survive this crisis and rebuild with justice and equity.
  1. We demand the rapid, safe and orderly release of as many migrants and asylum seekers from detention as possible
    • Identify and prioritize the immediate release of those at risk due to underlying medical conditions or age.
    • No migrant should be detained in a facility that is unable to follow required COVID-19 prevention steps.
    • Those managing detention centers must identify, protect and refer those suspected of being ill to specialized health care services…
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