
PUA – Card. Kasper and Prof. Cacciari on Mercy

12 May 2016
We are dealing here with a special meeting. In fact, it was held on the afternoon of May 10, 2016 in the Auditorium Antonianum, jam packed with people! The Antonianium University and the School of theology organized this special event. Not only for the Jubilee, but in a special way to highlight the distinguished lecturers: Card. Walter Kasper and noted philosopher Massimo Cacciari. The afternoon began with with some words of St. Francis’s Testament, “... et feci misericordia cum illis,” followed by a brief welcome by the Rector of PUA, Prof. Sr. Mary Melone. Then Prof. M. Caciari spoke followed by Card. Kasper. The public meeting was moderated by Prof. Mario Cucca, OFMCap., who ended the session with questions for the two speakers. [gallery link="file" ids="10805,10806,10807,10808,10809,10810"]
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