
Reflections by Br Massimo - February 2024

24 February 2024

The large Cross on the square of La Verna stands out over the valley below and, in a certain sense, over the world. In this Lent of 2024, the year in which we remember the stigmata of St. Francis, let us look at it together, and ask ourselves what keys it offers us to celebrate the Lord's Easter to-day.

In these and in so many other signs that we are experiencing, St. Paul's words are stronger to-day than ever: "The whole creation groans and suffers in the pangs of childbirth" (cf. Rom 8:22).

May the complexity of this work not paralyze us! May the shadow and light of the great Cross of La Verna, especially this year, help us to look into a more distant horizon, to read in the light of the Lord's Passover the pangs of death and life present in the world.

Let us not let these questions fall to the side, let us ask ourselves personally, in our fraternities and with the laity with whom we share the journey.

Have a great journey towards Easter!

Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli Br Massimo’s Reflections
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