
Request for all the Franciscan brothers in the world to pray for Kenya

26 October 2017
Dear Brothers, Today, the 26th October, 2017, Kenya is once again returning to the polls to elect a President, after August’s election was annulled by the Supreme Court. This is a very difficult moment for this beautiful country. The headquarters of OFM’s East Africa province is located here in the country’s capital, Nairobi. We are seeing first-hand how the struggle for political and economic power is combining with ethnic tensions to bring the country to a boiling point. Our beloved Kenya is now on very thin ice. It feels like we are at the cliff edge, and a small movement in the wrong direction could plunge the country into disaster. Ten years ago, we saw how political failure translated into civil conflict, leaving thousands of Kenyans dead. To this day, OFM Kenya is caring for the people who were displaced in those awful times. Please pray that Kenya and her people may find a way through this crisis, and that once again the country can become a shining light in East Africa for democracy and progress. Many of own OFM brothers here are suffering great pain, as they see their own communities and families suffering amidst the unfolding crisis. Our people are deeply worried, as they see their own communities and families suffering amidst the unfolding crisis.

We ask you to pray for them and their beloved homeland,

that God may help guide us all to calmer waters.

In deepest prayer, fraternally  

fra Carmelo Giannone, OFM Ministro Provinciale

View PDF of the Letter: Pray for Kenya

OFM in the World
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