
Revision of the Second Order’s Constitutions

09 February 2022
The International Commission for the Revision of the Constitutions of the Order of St Clare met online on 28 and 29 January last. The 13 Poor Clares were joined by the Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli, Definitor General and member of the Commission, Br Cesare Vaiani, and the Delegate General Pro-Monialibus, Br Fabio César Gomes. After a group reflection, the Minister General explained to the participants in his speech the true meaning of the revision of the Constitutions, offering suggestions on some attitudes and methodological principles to be followed. “On the second day, in four language groups, there were meaningful reflections on the Minister’s words and proposed methodology, which were then shared in plenary session. With great joy and gratitude for the generosity and openness of heart shown by all during this first meeting, we agreed to meet again on 26 February”, reported Br Fábio C. Gomes, General Delegate. Gomes, General Delegate.
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