
Rome, Study Day at the PUA

05 December 2015
On December 2, 2015, a Study Day was held at the Pontifical University Antonianum on ‘The Study of John Duns Scotus in Italy.” Sponsored by the PUA, by the Italian Society for the Study of Medieval Thought and by LUMSA, the day was organized in two sessions. The morning session was introduced and presided by Onorato Grassi with the greeting by Sr. Mary Melone, the Rector of the PUA. Stefano Recchia OFM, Guido Alliney and Alessandro Ghisalberti gave presentations. The afternoon session was introduced and presided by Ernesto Dezza OFM. Various speakers (Paola Müller, Andrea Nannini, Marina Fedeli, Santiago Sanz Sánchez, Marcella Serafini, Riccardo Fedriga, Stefano Cecchi OFM, Davide Riserbato, Antonello D’Angelo, Luca Parisoli, Matteo Scozia) briefly presented their current research. [gallery link="file" ids="9983,9984,9985,9986,9987,9988,9989,9990,9991,9992,9993,9994"]
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