
Seventh International Franciscan Congress amid Islam

16 September 2019
The Special Commission of the Order for dialogue with Islam organized the Seventh International Franciscan Congress amid Islam that took place in Istanbul from 9 to 15 September 2019.  The Congress seeks to commemorate the 8th Centenary of the Meeting of St. Francis of Assisi with Sultan Malik Al-Kamil in Damietta. This meeting brought together a group of 20 Franciscan brothers, sisters and laypeople working in interfaith dialogue with Islam, from the USA, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Morocco and Pakistan at the Convent of Santa Maria in Draperis in Istanbul.  The reflections during the Congress examined St. Francis's meeting with the Sultan from the Franciscan Sources as well as from the experience of eight centuries of meetings and testimonies of many Franciscan brothers and sisters concerning Islam. The work done by Francis of Assisi becomes, for our world today, a model and prophecy of peace and an encounter with the other, according to the spirit of chapter XVI of the Earlier Rule of St. Francis. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="24081,24083,24084,24085,24086,24087,24088,24089"]
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