
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

Rome, Basilica of the Aracoeli

06 January 2024

On the occasion of the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, the Minister General, Fr. Massimo Fusarelli, celebrated the Eucharist in Rome, at the Basilica of the Aracoeli.

In his homily, he highlighted the word “research”: from the people on the journey described by the prophet Isaiah to the Magi, from the chosen people to us, we are all called to go beyond ourselves. “Today we see people and portions of our societies closing themselves off in search of their own affirmation,  denying the others and even attacking them, to the point of using violence.  The Magi experience it in the falsely benign attitude of Herod, who is instead afraid of their research and of its fruit: to find a Child.  The tyrant feels his power threatened and bends the Scripture itself to confirm it. Yet, the Magi continue on their way, they follow their intuition, trusting a weak sign like the star, they who were used to scrutinizing the sky and its signs”.

Fr. Massimo continued by underlining the importance of listening, which today few know how to or want to practice. “It was Herod’s fear yesterday, it is ours today. We want to dominate and to lose nothing, to secure a future for ourselves alone.  Isn’t this perhaps the root of many wars, which proliferate in over a hundred warlike conflicts present on the planet, in the urban guerillas of our societies, in the refusal of others, in the violence against women and against the most vulnerable, in the aggression which populates the Internet?”, asked the Minister.

Then he concluded: “The Eucharist which we celebrate puts us on a journey, like the disciples of Emmaus; the Lord himself journeys with us and opens our eyes to the Scriptures in order to welcome him present here and among us. We too have come to seek the Child, to recognize him in Mary’s arms”.

We entrust ourselves to you,
Holy Mary of God and Queen of Peace,
so that we do not get tired 
of continuing to believe in Christ Jesus today
and of learning to do so again and again.

Happy Epiphany and a happy journey to all.

Read the complete text of the homily.

Letters and Homilies Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli
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