
St. Francis Solano

14th July, apostle and preacher of the Americas

14 July 2024

St Francis Solano was born in Montilla (Córdoba, Spain) on the 10th March, 1549, the third son of Matteo Sánchez Solano and Anna Jiménez, into a wealthy and noble family. He studied at the Jesuit College in Córdoba, where he was distinguished by his lively intelligence and contemplative and charitable attitude. Even before completing his medical studies, he asked for and obtained admission to the Friars Minor of the Observant Province of Granada: in April 1569 he took the habit and the following year made his religious profession. 

Always very austere, patient, humble and perfect in the observance of the Rule, he continued his studies in philosophy and theology at the friary of Santa Maria di Loreto near Seville, living in a miserable little room next to the choir. He celebrated his first Mass on the 4th October, 1576. In 1581 he was appointed master of novices at the friary of Arruzafa (Córdoba), a position he also held in Sierra Morena, where he was transferred in 1583 and where he also exercised the ministry of Guardian and preacher. Everywhere he was accompanied by a reputation for holiness and as a miracle worker for the miracles he performed.

When the bubonic plague broke out in the nearby town of Montoro, he volunteered to assist the plague victims. He was transferred in 1587 to the friary of San Luigi de la Zubia, near Granada; he was an eloquent and highly esteemed popular preacher and apostle amongst the sick and prisoners throughout the surrounding area. 

In order to escape the veneration of the people, on the 28th February, 1589, Br. Francis embarked as a missionary for the Americas. He boarded the ship and arrived in Cartagena in Colombia in May of the same year; from thence he continued on to Nombre de Dios (Colón), in Panama, which he crossed on foot to reach the Pacific shore. 

On his way to Peru, the galleon on which he was traveling sank; the castaways were saved amidst a thousand tribulations and Francis proposed himself as the father and protector of that community of desperate people, converting and baptizing many slaves, who were also present on the ship. After months of hardship he managed to reach Lima, and then traveled another 3000 km and arrived in 1590 in Tucumán, in northern Argentina. Here he was entrusted with the responsibility of the Franciscan Custody of St. George, founded in 1565, with the task of visiting the missions. Having overcome the great linguistic difficulties, he founded new missions, of which he was doctrinero (missionary parish priest), exercising a difficult but fruitful apostolate amongst the natives, of whom he became an evangelizer, peacemaker and defender, favoured several times by the gift of languages. 

In 1595 he received an obedience to go to Peru. In 1602 he moved to Trujillo. He was an energetic and inspired preacher. He famously predicted the ruin of the city on the 12th November, 1603, and it came true on the 14th February, 1619. On the 20th December, 1604, he returned to Lima and was once again appointed Guardian and walked through the streets and squares of the city with a crucifix in his hand, arousing a deep state of emotion in everyone, including the Viceroy. 

In fact, because of the penances to which he subjected himself, in 1608 it was necessary to hospitalize him in the infirmary of Lima. During the earthquake of 1609, Br. Francis, even though it was a struggle to get on his feet, did so in order to give courage to the population with his words of faith.

He died a holy death on the 14th July, 1610. 

He was beatified on the 25th January 1675 by Clement X. He was canonized by Benedict XIII on the 27th December 1726. 

Cf. Friars Minor Saints and Blesseds, edited by Br. Silvano Bracci, OFM and Sr. Antonietta Pozzebon, FMSC. Editrice Velar, 2009, pp. Ref. 275-277

Franciscan Saints
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