
The 2016 International JPIC course

06 April 2016
"The international course of Justice, Peace and Integrity of the Creation is being held for the tenth year in a row at the Pontifical University Antonianum of Rome'. The course began on Tuesday April 5, with this year’s motto: humanity and care for our common home. It is organized by the JPIC Office of the general Curia in conjunction with the Chair of JPIC of the PUA’s Faculty of theology. This year, the course has as its central theme JPIC values in light of Pope Francisco’s Encyclical Laudato si’. At the start of the course, Prof. Agustín Hernández, OFM, Vice-Rector of the University and Prof. Alvaro Cacciotti, OFM, Dean of the Faculty of theology, expressed their well wishes for the course and highlighted the importance of the challenges of the Encyclical Laudato si’ and values that are promoted by JPIC. [gallery link="file" ids="10608,10607,10606"]
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