
The Chapter of Mats in Great Kasai

9th -13th June, Province of St. Mary of the Angels (RDC)

17 June 2024

In view of the preparation of the Chapter of Mats for the whole Franciscan Family in the world which will take place from the 2nd to the 8th of June 2025 in Assisi, the Franciscan Family of Kasai celebrated its chapter of mats from the 9th to13th of June 2024. The Great Kasai is the region that stretches from the central to the southeastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo, which has the oldest presence of Secular Franciscan Order in the country. Thanks for the missionary activities of Br. François-Marie Lufuluabo, the first friar from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is the initiator of “Congolese African Franciscanism” an experience lived in fidelity to the Franciscan, Congolese and African values. This makes Kasai a land where the Franciscan presence vibrant and comprise the following: Clerics and Laity, Franciscan Youth, Religious men and women both contemplative and active. 

During the chapter of mats almost 300 people gathered at the monastery of the Poor Clare’s (Mamu wa Bupole) in Mbujimayi. We appreciate the presence of Br. Amaral Bernardo Amaral the General Visitator from the autonomous Custody of St. Clare in Mozambique. The theme of our chapter was “Re- interpretating our Franciscan Presence in Great Kasai. Where do we come from? Where are we? Where are we going?” On Sunday 9th of June Br. Grégoire Bowa, the Minister Provincial, opened the chapter with his presentation entitled “The fraternity in a large Franciscan family of Great Kasai”. He spoke of the fraternity as it is articulated in legislative and spiritual texts. He pointed out  the challenges to fraternal life which are indifference, prejudices, contempt, the fear of the other and individualism. 

On 10th June Sr Marie Keta from the Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Spirit spoke of the “Visibility and the impact of the Franciscans in Great Kasai”. According to Sr. Marie, the visibility can be noticed through the realization of various pastoral activities whose motivation is the service of God through evangelization of people especially the poor. These are the visible signs of communion and the love of Christ. 

On Tuesday 11th June Sr. Marie Goretti Mujinga, from the Poor Clare’s, spoke on the importance of prayer in fraternities demonstrating the central characteristics of prayer in the life of the Franciscans. St. Francis of Assis was used as an example, indicating that Franciscan vocation is essentially, contemplation, praise and relationship with God. Her presentation was brought into completion by Br. Adrien Kabambi whose title was: “The heredity of prayer according to Br. François-Marie Lufuluabo”. He evidenced that through prayer life and penance, Br. François-Marie introduced charismatic Franciscan prayer which has become a place of manifestation for Franciscan presence in Kasai.  

On 12th June Br. Pierre Kabamba, OFM and Sr. Adolphine Elisabeth Mutamba from the Stigmantine Sisters, developed the theme: “Franciscan life in Great Kasai in relation to the stigmata of St.  Francis of Assisi”. Finaly, on Thursday 13 June, the closing mass was presided by the Minister provincial, Br. Grégoire Bowa.

The chapter of mats which involved the whole Franciscan family of Great Kasai was the first in history since the Province of St. Mary of the Angels was on 16th February 2015. It was a moment of fraternal sharing, reflection, prayer and study.  It will remain as a sign of development for the Franciscan Family in Great Kasai.

This synthesis was composed by various comments collected by Br. Théodore Kabongo, and Sr. Adolphine Elisabeth Mutamba.

Br. Adélard-Marie Ntumba, OFM
Provincial Secretary, from the Province of St. Mary of the Angels (RDC)

Chapters Franciscan Family OFM in the World
Chapter of Mats
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