
The Franciscan Custody in Morocco celebrates the Eighth Centenary of the arrival in Morocco

31 January 2019
The Franciscan Custody in Morocco is celebratingthe year 2019 as a Jubilee year marking the eighth centenary of the arrival of the Franciscans in Morocco. [gallery link="file" type="columns" ids="21455,21457,21459,21460"] The inauguration of the centenary was attended by many Christians, Jews and Muslims, and took place in three stages:   The celebration of the Eighth Centenary coincides with the eighth centenary of the meeting of St. Francis with the Sultan, a paradigm of encounter and dialogue. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="21467,21466,21469,21470,21471,21472,21473,21474,21475,21478,21477,21476,21479,21480"] The Franciscan Custody in Morocco is an international fraternity which has 20 friars from different Entities of the Order. They live in six Fraternities of the Custody and place themselves at the service of the local Church and the people of Morocco in an attitude of service and fraternal dialogue
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