The celebration of the 500th anniversary of the arrival of the first Franciscans in Mexico continues.
On the 25th May 2024, in the city of Veracruz, a procession was held from the Church of Cristo del Buen Viaje to the Benito Juárez Auditorium. At the beginning of the procession, Br. Massimo Fusarelli recalled the words with which Br. Francisco de Quiñones, then Minister General of the Order, sent the first twelve Franciscans: "Be bearers of the gift of the Gospel and evangelize in a simple way amongst the people."
Br. Joel Cosme Torres, Minister Provincial of the Province of the Holy Gospel, said that today, in light of the 500th anniversary of the arrival of the 'twelve apostles', we can rethink several things: as human beings, always being open to others; as Christians, to be attentive to the practice and life of the gift of the Gospel; As Franciscans, we should not forget to be at the side of the least: the poor. With these words the procession began.
Upon arrival at the Benito Juárez Auditorium, the Mass of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity was celebrated, presided over by Br. Massimo Fusarelli, who in his homily said: "Light expresses the mystery of God in every culture, in every religion; for us it means that God is the mystery of Love, of truth, of Peace, of eternity, of sublimity, all truths obtained in the revelation of the Gospel." Br. Massimo went on to ask the following questions: what light did the twelve apostles bring to these peoples and what light do they continue to bring to us? In response, he emphasized three lights: the light of life, the light of peace, and the light of human dignity. He concluded by saying that today we are called to defend and promote these three lights in the reality in which we live, against death, war and any power that takes away the dignity of a person.
After the procession there was a musical concert with the group Jesed who presented 5 new songs made in memory of the 500 years of Franciscan presence in Mexico and which will be part of an album that will be released at the end of the year.