
The Minister General in Angola: Living the charism in an enculturated way

05 December 2022

Br Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General, is visiting the Franciscan Foundation of the Immaculate Mother of God in Angola from 1 to 10 December. The Minister General is accompanied by Br Victor Luís Quematcha and Br César Külkamp, Definitors General, and Br Paulo Roberto Pereira, Provincial of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Brazil.

On the first day, he met the postulants of the Foundation: they talked about the Franciscan vocation, about the charism that must be enculturated, that is, it must be adapted to their own cultural context. The Minister asked the young people to "write their own history, write it with the gaze of faith". 

In the days that followed, the Minister met with the friars of the Foundation: "I find it a very young and lively Franciscan reality because our charism has a great fascination for young people who embrace it with the desire to belong to God and to serve the mission, especially among their own people," said Br Massimo.

Yesterday, 4 December, was also dedicated to the Poor Clares and Secular Franciscans in the Angolan capital Luanda. The 47 Poor Clares welcomed the Minister in a very enculturated manner, with dances and gifts symbolising welcome.

Br Massimo shared his joys and concerns at the end of the day: "The meeting with the Franciscans and Secular Franciscans gave me great consolation for their commitment, the clarity of their Franciscan vocation in the world and their plans for the future. Passing through the capital, I saw the difference between development and great poverty, the poverty of so many children and young people who are unfortunately unemployed—a country with much wealth, distributed with great inequality. But, at the same time, I can feel the strength of this people, which has energy for life and for the future, while going through a difficult present".

Br Ivair Bueno de Carvalho, President of the Immaculate Mother of God Foundation in Angola, sees this visit with gratitude: "We thank the presence of the Minister General, our guests Br Victor, Br César and our Provincial Br Paulo. This visit gives much spirit to our Foundation because we have not received such a visit for many years". 

The most important moment of the Visit will be next Thursday, 8 December, when eight friars will make their solemn profession into the hands of the Minister General

The Immaculate Mother of God Foundation in Angola, dependent on the Immaculate Conception Province in Brazil, dates back to 1990 when three friars were sent from the Brazilian Province: Br Plínio Gande da Silva, Br José Zanchet and Br Pedro Caron. 

Currently, the Foundation has 84 brothers, including 16 solemnly professed, 68 in initial formation (56 temporary professed and 12 novices) and 16 postulants.. The friars are dedicated to pastoral service in the various missions and via radio, spiritual assistance to the Poor Clares and education of the young.

OFM in the World Minister General
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