
The Minister General In Austria And Switzerland: animated by faith and looking to the future in a secularised world

14 October 2022

From 9 to 15 October, Br Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General, accompanied by Br Albert Schmucki, General Definitor, visited the Province of St Leopold in Austria and the Custody of Christ the King in Switzerland.

“In recent days, I have met brothers living in Switzerland and Austria in similar and different situations. I found brothers who know how to be in secularised societies: as a leaven of fraternity and faith-seeking in Switzerland and Austria as generators of faith, solidarity and culture. The sharing with the laity and the hospitable openness touched me. For these friars, the foundation of how to look to the future and anticipate it remains important, with an intelligent reading of the signs of the times animated by faith and the vocation of friars minor”. The Minister General affirmed.

Br Friedrich Wenigwieser, Minister Provincial of Austria, saw this visit as a fraternal meeting, which motivated the friars of the two provinces: “to read reality and renounce some certainties to go out to meet the poor in the area. It is time to promote collaboration with the laity and not to be afraid to abandon old and large structures and to start new projects”.

For Br Christoph-Maria Hörtner, Custos for the Franciscan area of Christ the King in Switzerland, the presence of the Minister General and Definitor General is a blessing and an opportunity for fraternity between Zurich and Vienna: “The meetings of the last few days with our Brother Massimo, the friars of the Custody of Switzerland and the friars of the Province of Austria were a blessing. We were strengthened in our brotherhood, experiencing feelings of challenge, reflection and sharing. We did not solve any problems or perform any miracles. Instead, we experienced fraternity on the road between Zurich and Vienna. May it be a blessing for all”.

The Austrian Province currently has 106 friars dedicated to youth pastoral service, new evangelisation, parish service, education in two high schools, and relations with benefactors for the Order’s projects in different parts of the world.

On the other hand, the Swiss Custody has 23 friars dedicated to helping the marginalised, new evangelisation, youth pastoral work, retreats and parish services without parishes of their own.

After the visit to Austria and Switzerland, the Minister continues his journey until 21 October, visiting the provinces of the Czech Republic and Slovakia

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