
The Minister General visits the Brothers of the Province of the Holy Gospel in Mexico

18 December 2018
From 10th to 13th December 2018, the Minister General Br. Michael Perry made a fraternal visit to the brothers of the Province of the Holy Gospel in Mexico, accompanied by Br. Ignacio Ceja, Definitor General. In addition to celebrating with them the gift of our vocation and the joy of our brothers, Br. Michael listened to them and encouraged them to remain faithful to the task of being friars and minors today. In Mexico City, he first met the brothers of the Provincial Definitory who presented him the plans and projects of the Province in the various areas. The Minister General questioned them about the challenges faced and urged them to continue to work enthusiastically in the animation and governance of the Provincial Fraternity. He asked them to be attentive to ongoing and initial formation, especially in the formation of all the friars, lay and clerics, to live as authentic friars and minors. In the Provincial Curia, in Coyoacan, he had a general meeting with the brothers, in which 63 friars took part. In the house of the temporary professed in Santa Ursula, he met the young friars, 38 in total (Under ten, temporary professed, novices and postulants). Later, in the city of Oaxaca, in the south of the country, he met with the friars involved in missions and evangelisation, as well as with the friars who live and work among the indigenous peoples. With both, he shared the bread of the Word and communion in the Body and Blood of the Lord, questioned and listened to them talk about their joys, their concerns and challenges. He urged them to be happy for what God is doing in the Order, in the Church and the world, and to be attentive to the signs of the times to deepen our Franciscan identity and strengthen the sense of belonging to our universal Fraternity by looking beyond our borders. In both cities, Br. Michael met members of the Franciscan Family: Poor Clare sisters and Conceptionists, and the brothers and sisters of the Secular Franciscan Order and others. Our gratitude goes to the Minister Provincial, Br. Juan Medina and to the other brothers of the Province for their hospitality and fraternal welcome. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="21104,21106,21108,21109,21110,21111"]
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