
The North Slavic and South Slavic Conferences meet in Prague

01 June 2018
The two "Conferences of the Slavic Ministers Provincial of the North and the South", met in the presence of their Definitor General Br Ivan Sesar from 22 to 25 May. They were hosted by the friars of the Province of the Czech Republic and housed in the Monastery of the Trappist Sisters in Prague.  During this time the Ministers, Vicars and Provincial Secretaries experienced true fraternity, getting to know each other and sharing prayer, the Eucharist, moments of reflection on the life of their entities and recreation. The General Definitor Br Ivan brought the greetings of the Minister General and of the whole General Definitory and presented the current reality of the whole Order. There was a common meeting between the two Conferences, in which the Ministers Provincial presented their entities, underlining their concerns and future outlook. The Presidents of the two Conferences, Br Bernard Marciniak for the "North Slavic" and Br Miljenko Šteko for the "South Slavic", presented common initiatives among their entities and some examples of collaboration between the two Conferences were proposed. The two Conferences also met separately to evaluate initiatives regarding initial and ongoing formation. Those present were able to enjoy the exquisite hospitality of the friars of the Prague Province who with their provincial minister Br Jakub Sadilek made themselves available for the organization of the meeting, for a guided tour of the city and for an evening spent together in true fraternity after the solemn celebration of the Eucharist The "South Slavic Conference" is composed of the Provinces of the Holy Cross and of the Assumption of Bosnia and Herzegovina; the Croatian Provinces of Saints Cyril and Methodius, of Saint Jerome and of the Redeemer; and the Province of the Holy Cross in Slovenia. The "North Slavic Conference" is composed of the Province of Saint Michael the Archangel in Ukraine; the Province of the Most Holy Redeemer in Slovakia; the Province of Saint Wenceslas in the Czech Republic; the Provinces of Saint Francis, of the Assumption, of the Immaculate Conception, of Saint Mary of the Angels, of Saint Hedwig in Poland and of the Foundation directly dependent on the Minister General "Saint Francis of Assisi in Russia and Kazakhstan".
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