
The Philosophy of the Canticle of the Creatures

Online Seminar offered by the Philosophy Department of the PUA

17 January 2024

In 2025, the Franciscan Family will celebrate the 800th anniversary of Saint Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures. This text, which is one of the first writings that exists in the Italian language, has been the subject of discussion on many different levels: religious, literary, artistic, historical, political, and aesthetical.

This writing from the Poverello of Assisi even today maintains its original freshness with regard to its beautiful poetic and evocative language and imagery that calls out and challenges each generation anew. It is especially within a philosophical context that this simple but brilliant work invites a new reading and new analysis that may offer new ways to appreciate the text and unearth the wealth of significance it holds. 

This research seminar, prepared by the Philosophy Faculty of the Antonianum Pontifical University, will take place in the second semester of the 2023-24 academic year. It will ask what the Canticle of the Creatures has to offer to us today, what its author would say to the challenges and problems of our day. Modern tools of textual analysis along with fresh models of interpretation will allow for a “rewriting” of the Canticle which highlights the concepts most relevant to us today.

The online seminar will be offered here, on Thursdays, from 5-7pm beginning in March of 2024. For each module, there will be a 45 minute presentation (more or less) followed by discussion.

For more information: 

Download the course program:

Formation and Studies Franciscan Centenary
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