
The Point of Fra Massimo - July 2023

29 July 2023

At the end of June I visited the Province of Santa Barbara in the USA. I came to know the brothers quite well who live in this very rich, multicultural land, alongside the presence of the poor and migrants, whom the friars welcome and serve in different, very beautiful ways. They do not do it alone, but by sharing the charism and mission with many lay people. 

I was also able to verify even more closely the journey towards the new Province "Our Lady of Guadalupe", which from the 17th October will unite five of the current seven Provinces in the United States. The friars chose to face a different future without resigning themselves to the decrease in numbers and the loss of places and missions. The goal is to revitalize Franciscan life in the U.S A., whilst at the same time, restructuring our presence. In this sense, such a journey is a sign of hope for everyone in the Order. Reading with wisdom the signs of the times in the light of faith in Christ who died and rose again enables us to pass through situations which are good and pleasing good alongside those that may cause crisis, all with faith and a capacity for vision and choice. 

This same journey concerns other Entities of the Order and questions us on how we want to live this particular moment in our history, which has already undergone so many transformations. Several of us are afraid that on this road the Order will die in different areas. Some may think that we should "resist" whilst we can. 

Looking carefully and faithfully at these paths, I would like to tell everyone that another way of existence and mission is being born for us Friars Minor. It is not enough to "maintain" at all costs and, moreover, we can no longer do it. Instead, it is necessary to contribute to generating new ways of living and serving our time as brothers and sisters and minors. This is why we need a "reform", a profound change and not just a façade. 

We must rediscover the form of the Gospel lived as brothers, contemplatives on mission, with extra enthusiasm and joy, which only faith can generate. How to do it? I don't have any magic recipes! We have to ask ourselves if we really want it or if things are fine with us as they way they are. We need to verify again if the experience of faith is the engine that moves us and makes us dare to take steps of conversion. We cannot do all this alone, but in a synodal style, listening to God's Will, in dialogue amongst ourselves, in attentive listening to the laity and to the many people of goodwill. 

The Holy Spirit, Minister General of the Order, asks this of us. May he instill in us the freshness of faith and courage to nourish this new outlook.

Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli Br Massimo’s Reflections Reorganizing and Restructuring
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