
The Spirit speaks — let's listen!

13 June 2018
The second day of the 2018 PCO began with Morning Prayer of the Feast of St. Anthony, June 13th, celebrated in the three language groups. Afterwards, the participants assembled to watch a video of Dr. Maryann Cusimano Love, from the Catholic University of America (U.S.). Her talk addressed a variety of global issues, emphasising the need to improve collaboration between communities, caring for nature, and deepening a personal relationship with God. It is essential that cooperation be advanced, especially in the areas of free trade and commerce and providing wider access to technology and the use of information technologies. Two of the OFM Conferences then made presentations that were followed by time given to small group work reacting to the presentations, asking questions, and making comments. The presenting Conferences were CONFRES (Spain and Portugal) and COMPI (Italy & Albania). In the afternoon, Cardinal John Onajyekan, Archbishop of Abuja in Nigeria addressed the Council. The Cardinal spoke about the pastoral challenges facing the Church in Africa and in the world today: 1) the proclamation of the Gospel through words and deeds, 2) inculturation, taking into account local sensitivities, 3) dialogue, in particular with Christians of other denominations, Islam, and other religious expressions, 4) justice and peace, focusing on the development and promotion of the human person, 5) the communication of the Gospel through multimedia, 6) climate and environment, nuclear weapons and global security. The Cardinal's visit concluded with the celebration of the Eucharist at which he presided. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="19197,19196,19195,19191,19189,19187,19185,19183,19181"]  
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