
The support and the presence of the Franciscan Friars in Syria

16 September 2016
Since the beginning of the war in Syria, the Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land have never left the country and are still present in several cities: Latakia, Damascus, Aleppo, and in some villages of the Orontes Valley. They help the local population without distinction, with particular attention to children and women. The brothers have created four reception centers, supported by the pro Terra Sancta, managing the purchasing of food, clothing and basic necessities. After six years since the beginning of war, we are in great need of food, milk for children, clothing, medicines, medical equipment. It has become urgent to help those who have to rebuild their homes destroyed by the missiles, and who no longer have the means to pay the expenses for their children (schooling,etc). Through the Association pro Terra Sancta, you can be also on the side of the brothers in Syria. Here's how: With 30 euros you can help us provide food and basic necessities to children and families in Aleppo. With 50 euros you can help us ensure essential drugs and medical care to people affected by war and bombing. With 100 euros you can contribute to rebuild homes and restore our Franciscan facilities designed to welcome people. They are at present either damaged or destroyed. To make a donation, which will be immediately transferred to the friars in Syria: BANK TRANSFERENCE IBAN: IT67 W050 18121010 0000 0122691 By Mail: Current Account no. 1012244214 to ASSOCIAZIONE DI TERRA SANTA [gallery link="file" ids="11382,11381,11380"]
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