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The visit of the Minister General to the Province of Assumption of the BVM

Katowice-Panewniki, Poland

27 April 2024

From the 23rd to the 27th April the Minister General Br Massimo Fusarelli together with the Definitor General , Br Konrad Cholewa visited the Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Katowice-Panewniki, in Poland.

It was an occasion for presenting to the brothers the necessity and urgent challenges which our Order needs to deal with today, and inviting them to the work of missionary evangelization (Ad Gentes).

The principle theme that characterised the visit of the Minister General was based on the words of Prophet Samuel: “Speak Lord, your servant is listening” (1 Sm 3,9). It was a moment of listening in order to respond to the challenges of the Lord God towards the friars of our Province, in collaboration with the Secular Franciscan Order which continues to be a living vehicle of the franciscan charism among the lay people of every situation immersed in the universality of the franciscan spirituality.

Br Massimo and  Br Konrad met the friars of the Polish Province in Chorzów, Borki Wielkie and Katowice-Panewniki, the  Chair of the Province of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Poland.

Br Euzebiusz Skorupa, OFM

Visits to the Entities Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli Br Konrad Cholewa
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