
Theatrical Performance for the Feast Day of the PUA and of the Grand Chancellor

03 January 2017
The Feast Day of the PUA (Pontifical University, Antonianum) and of the Grand Chancellor (the OFM Minister General) will be held on January 16th, 2017. A full program has been drawn up to mark the event. Prof. Cavalli will chair the day and will introduce various speakers — Profs. Burigana and Sgroi of the PUA; the Lutheran Archbishop of Uppsala, Antje Jackelén; and the PUA Rector, Prof. Mary Melone, who will welcome the participants. The celebrations will conclude with an afternoon performance of “Francis, dust of God”, by Riccardo Tordoni. [Admission is free. Email] In speaking of this performance, the Apostolic Administrator of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, wrote — “It is not easy to talk about Francis to those who do not know him; it is even more difficult to talk about him to those who assume that they know him. In my judgement, Riccardo Tordoni has managed to do both.”
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