
US Franciscans join other religious to encourage President Obama to visit Hiroshima

12 May 2016
The Provincial Ministers of the Franciscans (OFM) in the United States have joined their voices to a letter encouraging President Obama to visit Hiroshima on his upcoming visit to Japan. May 9, 2016 Dear President Obama, Your visit to Japan in a few weeks to attend the G-7 Summit presents an extremely important opportunity to address matters of urgent concern to the legacy of your Administration and to global peace and security. Early in your Presidency (6 April 2009 in Prague), you inspired the world to believe that nuclear disarmament was possible.  "As the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon," you said, "the United States has a moral responsibility to act...So today, I state clearly and with conviction America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons." We urge you to visit Hiroshima while you are in Japan.  Allow the memories so painfully protected there to remind you of your own words in Prague: "Moral leadership is more powerful than any weapon." We pray that you will renew your 2009 commitment to nuclear disarmament at the site where the United States dropped an atomic bomb on August 6, 1945, killing 140,000 people, and that you will make that commitment real by bold executive action during your remaining months in office. Also, while you are in Japan, we plead with you to listen to the deep concerns of Japanese people, including the Japanese Catholic Bishops' Conference, about the reinterpretation of Article 9 in the Japanese Constitution.  Article 9 has been the foundation for collective security in Asia Pacific, a region of critical and increasing importance to global peace and security. We believe that the revision of Article 9 could seriously destabilize the Asia-Pacific region. On 11-13 April the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and Pax Christi International hosted a Conference on Nonviolence and Just Peace in Rome.  A strong recommendation from that landmark conference for increased focus on active nonviolence is generating an important search for alternatives to perpetual war in the Catholic community around the world. Since the Japanese Constitution was ratified, Article 9 and Japan's adherence to it have been both inspiration and motivation for people seeking alternatives to military action. For over half a century, Japan has demonstrated that a former military power could exercise its influence without resort to violence.  This is an example the global community needs today more than ever before! Thank you for considering our request to make these extremely important issues subjects of your presentations and dialogue while you are in Japan. In peace, Franciscan Friars (OFM) Provincial Ministers of the United States:
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