
Venerable Elisabetta Jacobucci

Approval of the Decree of Virtue

14 March 2024

On 14th of March, the Holy Father Pope Francis received Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints in audience, and authorized the promulgation of the Decree concerning the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Elisabetta Jacobucci, a professed religious of the Franciscan Alcantarine Sisters, who was born in Trevi in Lazio, in the Diocese of Anagni, on the 23rd  July 1858, and died in Meta di Sorrento, in the Diocese of Sorrento, on the 10th February 1939. 

The Venerable Elisabetta Jacobucci, was faithful to her Franciscan vocation amongst the Alcantarine Franciscan Sisters; she spent her entire life in the rather special mission of begging. In this way she actively contributed to the support of orphans, children and elderly people entrusted to the care of the Institute.  For about fifty years, she walked the streets of the Sorrento Peninsula; she made her humble service an authentic mission. She had the gift of knowing how to listen and feel compassion towards every situation of those in need. To this end, her word, simple but wise, bore the fruit of consolation and peace.

The Mass was the fulcrum of her day and her life amongst sisters was a comfort to all the efforts she made. Her lifestyle is interwoven with silence, concealment and humility which characterized her until the end of her days.  After her death, her memory remained blessing for those who had approached her, so much so, that in 1965 her beatification process began.

Franciscan Saints
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