
Vesak Day 2018

21 May 2018
To our Buddhist brothers and sisters throughout the World, A lotus for world peace, blessings and repentance on this Day of Vesak, in commemoration of the birth, enlightenment and death of Siddharta Gautama, Shakyamuni Buddha. On behalf of the Franciscan friars throughout the world, and the members of our Order founded by St Francis of Assisi, we acknowledge with deep respect the teachings of the Buddha that inspire humanity to always remember the importance of practising compassion, peace and goodwill always. We recognise these and the many other values that Buddhists and Christians share in the face of a world where there continues to be too much pain and suffering. Today, Buddhists around the world make offerings of flowers, candles and incense, symbolising the insight that everything that life is subject to decay and destruction. As Franciscans, we hold firm to the Gospel counsel of non-attachment, recognising that freedom is found in learning to let go of things and values of this passing world, for the things that last are only faith, hope and charity. So too, we are united in our common aspirations for the liberty all who are held against their wills, who are unjustly imprisoned or who experience torture. In particular, we remember with compassionate hearts the victims and perpetrators of domestic and institutional violence, and all our sisters and brothers around the world who are caught up in the evil of human trafficking and other forms of slavery and bondage in this 21stCentury. With great respect, we acknowledge that you are our older brothers and sisters, for you are members of one of oldest religions in the world, and in gratitude, we acknowledge the contributions of Buddhism for over 2500 years. This Vesak Day, as you renew your commitment to live noble lives with renewed determination to follow the precepts of the Buddha, and as you continue to develop your minds, and practise loving kindness towards all, we unite ourselves with you in prayer that Christians, Buddhists and all peoples of goodwill may work together to build a world of love, peace and harmony. With a deep bow of fraternal affection, we wish you Peace and all Good,

OFM Commission for Ecumenical and Inter-religious Dialogue on behalf of the Order of Friars Minor


Indonesian: Perayaan Hari Waisak, 29 Mei 2018

Thai: วันวิสาขบูชา วันที่29 พฤษภาคม

Korean: 천주교 작은형제회(프란치스코회) 로마 총본부의 2018년 석가탄신일 축하 인사

Vietnamese: Đại Lễ Vesak 2018

ZHT Chinese Traditional 中文正體 - Vesak

ZHS Chinese Simplified 中文简体 - Vesak

Mensagem em Português

Month of Vaisakha (April 21 - May 21):

April 29
SRI LANKA Vesak Full Moon Poya Day
MYANMAR Full Moon Day of Kasong
April 30
INDIA Buddha Purnima
May 22
KOREA, TAIWAN, HONG KONG Birthday of the Buddha
JAPAN Hanamatsuri
May 29
THAILAND Visakha Bucha
OFM in the World
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