
Via vitae: 800 years of the Rule of Saint Francis of Assisi

29th November 1223-2023, celebration in the Basilica of St. John in Laterano

29 November 2023

On Wednesday the 29th November, in the Basilica of St. John in Laterano, in Rome, we of the Franciscan Family celebrated the 800 years of the approval by Pope Honorius III of the Rule drawn up by Saint Francis of Assisi.

 In a physical and spiritual itinerary inside the Basilica, we retraced the path of the Rule in 12 steps, one for each chapter, lighting a lantern each time to symbolize the light of the Gospel, updated by Francis and by many Franciscans who in 800 over the years they have found ever new ways to experience it. A journey that has revealed, at every step, the center of the life of every Franciscan: Christ Crucified, who spoke to Francis more than 800 years ago and who still speaks to each of us today.

 Br Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General of the OFM, commented on chapter III of the Rule (“On the Divine Office and fasting and how the friars must go around the world”), recalling how Francis managed to combine prayer, fasting and meekness, addressing an itinerant fraternity: “How can you sustain an itinerant life? How can we not disperse, if not scatter internally?”, asked Br Massimo. The answer is given by Francis himself in his Rule: with prayer and fasting. “Francis says to me, to us today: if you want to remain itinerant, lighten your burdens, learn not to depend on things, don't seek nourishment in food, in disordered affections, in what seems to fulfill you. For me today, they are for example, from many relationships, from always having to respond, from always being connected. What does it mean to rebalance these relationships? I am still learning it and I hold the Rule as a compass, because Francis then gives us the third key: to be meek, peaceful, modest, meek, and humble", shared the Minister General.

 Although not physically present, Pope Francis participated with a message addressed to all of us members of the Franciscan family, read by Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, Vicar of the Pope for the Diocese of Rome, who presided over the celebration: "For Saint Francis the Gospel it was at the center of his existence; and the Church approved its purpose, returning it to him and to all of you Franciscans as a text that no longer expresses only the spiritual intuition of a Founder, but a form of life". He reminded us that to live the Master's teachings it is necessary to remain in the Church. And at the end he invited us to go around the world: "For you Franciscan friars and sisters it means concretely realizing the itinerant vocation in a style of brotherhood and peaceful life, without quarrels or disputes either between yourselves or with others, demonstrating 'minority', with mildness and meekness, announcing the peace of the Lord and entrusting yourself to providence: it is a special programme of evangelization, possible for everyone”.

Immediately afterwards, the same cardinal De Donatis wanted to leave a message and good wishes for the entire Franciscan family: "My wish for you is this: I wish and ask for you and for every single baptized person, young person rich in goods, relationships, life, and also for those who are poor that they may be seduced by the love of the Crucified and Risen Lord. […] Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, receive again the Rule that your father Francis received from the hands of the Church. Receive the Rule again, you who live in the various Franciscan families and fraternities, renew your enthusiasm. Receive the Rule again, you who have experienced the sweetness but also the fatigue and disappointment of life; May he be for you a source of renewed trust in the Lord who never stops carrying out his work in us even in moments of fatigue or darkness."

Also participating in the celebration was Br Cesare Vaiani OFM, President of the Committee of the Franciscan Family for the Franciscan Centenary, who promoted the event and is made up of the General Ministers of the Franciscan First Order (Br Massimo Fusarelli, OFM, Br Roberto Genuin , OFM Cap, Br Carlos Alberto Trovarelli, OFM Conv), by Sister Frances Marie Duncan, President of the International Franciscan Conference of Brothers and Sisters of the TOR, and by Tibor Kauser, Minister General of the OFS.

Watch the recording of the celebration on
Download the celebration booklet
Download Pope Francis' Message
Download the speech by Br Massimo Fusarelli OFM

Franciscan Family Holy Father St Francis Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli
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