
Visit of the Minister General and the Area Definitor to Brazil

Celebrations for the 80th anniversary in the Province of the Most Holy Name

27 September 2023

From the 18th to the 24th September 2023, at the Regina Minorum Seminary, located in Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil, the Week of Ongoing Formation of the Friars Minor of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus took place, which this year also saw the participation of br. Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General, and br. César Kulkamp, General Definitor of the area, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Province.

After the opening, with a celebration of the Lectio Divina, the following day the friars experienced a very special day: in the morning, training and reflection on the Rule and the Nativity of Greccio; in the afternoon, they reflected and evaluated the progress of some work carried out in the areas of Evangelization and Mission, the Provincial Treasurer's Office and the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable adults.

Arriving in Goiás on the 20th September 2023, br. Massimo and br. César attended a splendid representation on the Rule, the Nativity Scene, the Eucharist and the Cross, the foundations of our spirituality. In the following days, meetings of the Councils and Secretariats of the Province were held in their presence.

On the 21st September 2023, accompanied by the Provincial Minister, br. Carlos Antônio, br. Massimo and br. César visited the studios of our radio stations 96.3 and 97.7 FM, the College of St. Francis of Assisi, the Parishes of St. Ann and St. Francis of 'Assisi of Anápolis, and the missionary works managed by the Province. On the same day they were able to meet the Poor Clare Sisters and the Franciscan Family present in Anápolis.

The friars in Initial Formation, the Aspirants’ House, the Postulants’ House and the Post-Novitiate were able to dialogue at length with the Minister General, sharing the experience of formative life in the Province, their dreams and their expectations.

Finally, the Provincial Government shared a morning in the Provincial Discretorium with br. Massimo and br. César; at a later time, the meeting was extended to include the Guardians.

The 2023 Training Week was a time full of sharing and experiences at various levels of work and office, with moments of prayer and fraternal meetings. On this occasion, the Friars also celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the foundation of the Province by the North American missionary friars. In 1943, in fact, fourteen North American Friars received the missionary cross and came to Brazil - Goiás - Anápolis - and here they began a work of evangelization and training of people in parishes, schools, radios, healthcare; they formed the Secular Franciscan Order, Secular Institutes and other lay ministries.

On the 24th September, at Matriz St. Francis in the Jundiaí neighbourhood - Anápolis, in the presence of friars, men and women religious, and a good number of lay faithful, the Minister General presided, at 7 pm, at the Holy Mass of thanksgiving for the mission of the Friars Minor in the heart of Brazil.

To all the people of good will who are committed to carrying forward the Mission of the Friars, we offer our gratitude. To br. Massimo Fusarelli and br. César Kulkamp, to the Bishops present in our Province, to the clergy, to the men and women religious, we offer our gratitude for having celebrated this rich moment of eighty years of evangelization.

In the heart of Brazil (Goiás - Tocantins - Federal District) the Franciscan Friars Minor have been announcing the Gospel, peace and goodness for eighty years.

Courtesy of br. Ronildo Arruda, ofm.

Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli Conf. Brasil and Southern Cone
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