
The Visit of the Minister General in the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Central America and Caribbean

31 October 2023

From 22nd to 31st october Br. Massimo Fusarelli, OFM visited the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe. He was accompanied by Br. Joaquín Echeverry, OFM, General Definitor.

The visit begun in the region of Guatamala, in the Provincial Curia where he met the Definitory so as to get acquainted with the reality of the Province. He met the Guardians encouraging them to animate fraternal life with charity and diligence despite the difficulty that come along with that service. The Minister General met the Poor Clares Sisters of the Monastery of Saint Clare at Puerta Parada. 

In the Chapel of Hermano Pedro di Monte San Franciscano during the Eucharistic celebration Br. Massimo in his homily said that “We Franciscans are called to recognize the mercy that flows on our weakness, fragility and sins". Infront of the reality that is taking place in Central America the Minister General invited the brothers and sisters (OFS) and all Christian faithful united together to be instruments of peace, not to have fear but continue becoming men and women of mercy.

On 24th October he met the formators and formees: he encouraged the formators to continue with the ministry of accompanying the young friars and he explained to them about the necessity of self-formation if they are to accompany others in various processes. He later invited the friars in Temporary Profession and the novices to become authentic, human and brothers so as to walk with liberty and dedication in life they have chosen. Furthermore, he met the novices through video conference, inviting them to live according to the Gospel with joy and dedication in order to give testimony; he reminded them that they are Friars Minor in this time and therefore they need to respond to the call of God in this reality.

On 25th he visited the rehabilitation centre which serves the people with dependence at “Renacer”, which is situated in Sumpango, Sacatepéquez. He thanked the fraternity for the noble work of accompanying the residents of that centre and encouraged them to make a good process of rehabilitation in order to have adequate intergration in society, bringing into fruitition the process of rehabilitation which many do not have at their disposal and die because of the consequence of their dependence. The Minister General  visited the hospital Obras Sociales del Santo Hermano Pedro in Antigua Guatamala which has 25 clinics  (General Medicine  and Specialization), and an annual surgical programme in which Surgeons volunteer to be at the service of the poor. Br. Massimo received the “the system of Hermano Pedro”. He also visited the “Hogar Virgen of help”, where they take care of 250 persons with disability; in the fraternity he shared with the friars of the Provincial infirmary thanking them for their dedication and he encouraged them always to have confidence in God. 

The Minister General at the temple of st. Francis el Grande said, “Hermano Pedro, the disciple of Francis in his time repaired the temple for the poor, even today he continues repairing the temple of life for the poor so that the Lord may respond through charity". El Grande is where is found the ruins of an ancient convent, the grave of Saint Hermano Pedro and the Servant of God Fr. Augusto Rafael Ramirez Monastero, OFM. 

On 26th Br. Massimo visited the friars of Panama region who were found amidist the protest of mineral contract; for that reason the meeting took place through video conference because the friars could not go to the capital city.  The Minister General said that “the particular situation which Central America is passing through has motivated the friars to remain always as pilgrims and strangers, living in evangelical liberty”. It will enable us to put away all the material good and remain what we are: friars minor, this is our authentic posession". In an open dialogue during the meeting the friars shared with him the life of the fraternity and the activities of JPICI: the battle against mineral extraction, comittiment of Franciscan network for immigrants and the journey in initial formation.

From 27th to 31st October Br. Massimo visited the friars of the Domenican Republic in the fraternity of Villa Duarte and  Bonao; at the moment of minority and fraternity, he encouraged the friars who were recently integrated in the provincial fraternity. He visited also the ancient ruins of the first franciscan convent in America and the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary where the moment of prayer for peace took place. The morning of 30th he had a meeting through video conference with the friars of the foundation of "La Santa Cruz" (Holy Cross ) of  Haiti, because of social political problems of that country he did not manage to visit them in person; through video conference  that meeting shared their impression on the reality of living as friars minor in that part of an Island.

Visits to the Entities Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli Br Joaquín Echeverry
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