
Visit to the Poor Clares affected by the Earthquake

15 November 2016
On Saturday, November 12th, 2016, Br. Michael A. Perry OFM, Minister General, made a visit to the Poor Clare Monastery in Via Vitellia, Rome. Br. Michael was accompanied by Br. Fernando Mendoza Laguna OFM, Delegate General Pro Monialibus. The friars went there to visit the eight sisters from the Poor Clare Monastery in Rieti who had to move to Rome because of damage done to their monastery in the recent earthquakes, especially that of October 30th last. After Mass, celebrated by the Minister General and concelebrated by Brs. Fernando and Giovanni, the sisters met with the Minister General and enjoyed a personal chat with him. It was a happy and upbeat conversation, with the Minister General telling the sisters about his recent trip to Asia. The Poor Clares were very interested to hear about the gathering of young Asian friars in Vietnam, and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Foundation in Myanmar. For their part, the Rieti sisters gave an update on what had emerged from the survey of their monastery: the monastery tower, even though it did not fall, caused serious damage to the church and part of the monastery when it swayed in the earthquake. The rest of the monastery is not so badly damaged, but needs work to ensure that it is safe for habitation by the sisters. Signaling a desire to entrust the 1st and 2nd Franciscan Orders to the intercession of Sts. Francis and Clare, the sisters and friars then posed for a photograph in front of a mosaic of the two holy founders, before exchanging warm farewells. [gallery link="file" ids="11928,11929,11930,11931,11933,11935,11936,11937,11939"]
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