
Visit to the Province of Saint Mary of the Angels

Br Massimo and Br Konrad in Poland

21 March 2023

From 20 to 25 March, the Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli, and the General Definitor, Br Konrad Cholewa, are visiting the Province of St Mary of the Angels, Poland, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the foundation of the Province. 

The programme of the visit is very full: Br Massimo and Br Konrad will meet all the friars of the Province in several meetings between Warsaw and Krakow; they will get to know the local institutions, visit the friars' formation centres and the OFS fraternities. "A great occasion of gratitude to God and to all the friars", commented Br Konrad on his departure. 

On the first day, during the meeting with the friars from the friaries in the north and centre of the country, the Minister spoke about the mission of the friars minor in Poland, the Franciscan vocation, the challenges and the path to be taken together in fraternity and minority. So many questions led to the dialogue: how to renew our vision? How to walk according to a Franciscan way of life? How to embrace the future? How to read the signs of the times? 

"An intense day of grace and fraternity", commented the Minister at the end of the day.

The visit will culminate on Saturday, 25 March, with a solemn celebration for the 400th anniversary of the Province presided over by Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski, Metropolitan of Krakow, in Krakow Cathedral. 

OFM in the World General Definitorium Mission & Evangelisation
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