
Visit to The Province of the Holy Name of Jesus in Brazil

10 March 2018
From the 3rd to the 7th of March 2018, the general Minister, Br. Michael Anthony Perry, visited the province of the Holy Name of Jesus in Brazil accompanied by Br. Valmir Ramos, the area Definitor. This year this province celebrates 75 years of presence in the central area of Brazil. The visit was begun in Brasilia in the friary that cares for a school and a parish in that capital of Brazil. The next day Br. Michael went to Anápolis, where the province has its curia. There he met the temporary professed friars and the postulants of the province, with whom he spoke about Franciscan identity and the formative process necessary to live the charism today. He visited social works supported by the province: hospital where the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany work, Bethany House that cares for AIDS patients, and two radios stations. He had a meeting with the Poor Clare Sisters assisted by the Friars. On the 6th he met all the friars of the province and shared the situation of the Order in the world today as well as the urgent need to authentically live our charism in light of the 5 priorities, despite all the activities and pastoral work in the service of the Church. Alla conclusione della visita, Fr. Michael è andato a Catalão, dove si trova il noviziato interprovinciale della Provincia Santissimo Nome di Gesù, Custodia delle Sette Allegrezze della Madonna e Custodia del Sacro Cuore di Gesù. Al noviziato lui ha realizzato un incontro con i formatori e i Ministri di queste Entità. At the end of the visit, Br. Michael went to Catalão, where there is the interprovincial novitiate of the Holy Name of Jesus Province, the custody of the Seven Joys of the Madonna and custody of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At the novitiate he met with the formation directors and the Ministers of these entities. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="17980,17981,17982,17983,17984,17985,17986,17987"]  
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