
Visit to the Province of the Protomartyrs of Morocco in Portugal

14 June 2017
On June 9, 2017, the President of  Portugal received the General Minister of the Franciscan Order, Br. Michael Perry at the Belém Palace, Lisbon. According to the article published on the President’s web site, the conversation between Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Br. Michael Perry reiterated the "convergence of positions on issues of refugees and climate change». Br. Michael Perry was accompanied on this visit by the General Definitor, Fr. Antonio Scabio, by the Portuguese Provincial Minister, Br. Armindo Carvalho, and Br. Vitor Melícias. According to Br. Armindo, the meeting between the General Minister and the President of the Republic marked the 800 years of the arrival of the first Franciscans in Portugal, which also celebrated the importance of the Franciscan brothers in the history of Portugal and the actuality of the Franciscan message. While visiting Portugal the General Minister planned to also visit the friary of San Bernardino, in Madeira. “Br. Michael Perry, Br. Armindo said, wanted to see the friary of San Bernardino in Câmara de Lobos, completely restored and the center of our Franciscan presence in Madeira.” He added, “the 16th-century friary is a reminder of Br. Pedro da Guarda in Madeira, a Franciscan who is under the process of canonization.” In conclusion, Armindo added, "Historically, Br. Michael is the first Franciscan General Minister to  visit Madeira.”   [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="15971,15970"] Source: Agência Ecclesia photos:
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