
VOX Franciscana: OFS & YOUFRA Formation “For a Fraternity Without Borders”

30 March 2020
Brazil hosted the first OFS-YouFra Formation School of the Southern Cone from June 20 to 23, 2019. The theme was, “Franciscan Formation and Identity: For a Fraternity Without Borders”. The school was held in Foz de Iguazú -- a triple border region of Brazil-Paraguay-Argentina, which includes the famed Iguazu (Iguaçu) Falls, which participants got to visit. The priority focus was on formation, leadership, and Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC). The general objective “was to provide a space of formative and informative sharing” for OFS and YouFra formators, JPIC animators, fraternal animators and spiritual assistants. Download the Winter 2020 Edition of Vox Franciscana to read the complete text and other articles:


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