
We will celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Rule

29 November 2023 - Basilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome

08 September 2023

The Later Rule was approved by the Pope on 29 November 1223, with a letter granted at Saint John Lateran; next November 29, 2023 marks the eighth centenary. The Committee for the Centenary of the Franciscan Family invites everyone to participate, in person or through the Centenary website, in the celebration of this centenary, which will be held on 29 November 2023 at 3.00 pm (local time) right in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome. 

The celebration will help to rediscover the value and meaning of the Rule for the entire Franciscan Family through reflections and testimonies that show its relevance. The celebration will alternate different languages to also allow online participation and express the internationality of the Franciscan Family. The six General Ministers or their representatives will be present. 

We invite those who can be present to participate in person and those who cannot be present in Rome to participate online, live or deferred (the celebration will remain on the Centenary website). 

Franciscan Family Franciscan Centenary
St Francis
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